Breakfast gets its name from “breaking the fast”, meaning it’s the first meal you eat after your overnight sleep. We recommend eating breakfast as it sets you up for the day ahead. This can be before or after you exercise (if you exercise), and it’s down to how you feel.
If you are trying to lose weight a healthy, balanced and nutritious breakfast will set you up for the day and help ensure you do not snack on junk food through the morning. Weight loss is all about having a negative calorie balance and taking on board less calories than your body uses. If you eat 3 meals; breakfast, lunch and dinner then you simply divide your suggested calorie intake by 3 and roughly eat these at eat meal. That will sound like a far more appetising proposal than dividing them in 2 for lunch and dinner. The key is to have a good quality breakfast.
If you are trying to gain weight you need to take on board more calories than your body uses. To achieve this, you need to eat more calories than you are used to and can do this by having more at each meal or having an extra meal. As with weight loss its easier to increase your calories by dividing them by 4 or even 5 and eating across the day.
Whether looking to lose or gain weight you should have a balanced, wholesome breakfast that contains protein, fats, carbohydrate, and fibre. Here are some examples:
Protein Porridge

Power Eggs

Ultra Complete

Protein Pancakes

UN Breakfast Cookie

Steak, Eggs & Spinach
The key with breakfast is to make sure it’s healthy and always contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fibre to ensure you start your day with a steady insulin response.
Some breakfasts can be prepared ahead of time so it’s easy to grab and go in the morning and you don’t have to spend time cooking if you don’t have it in the morning.